I know why my baby, Hisham hasn't grown much.
Yes, now I remember....It doesn't mean I've totally forgotten about it, it's just that I don't want to think about it or look back on the bad experience I had with my kids. It's just not nice.
Since he was born and until recently, he's had a really bad case of reflux. It's really hard to describe how I felt. But just imagine if we, as a grown-ups keep vomitting everytime we eat. Now imagine if this happend to your tiny baby that doesn't know a thing yet. A baby that keeps on vomitting everytime you breasfeed him. It just breaks your heart. It definitely breaks mine.
I know if you ask any GP here they will say it's normal. But what if it happend every single time right after you feed him. Looking at his tired and exhausted face makes me really sad. Like my mom always said (in a very sad tone)...
Kesian cucu aku, kalau asyik-asyik macam nie, macam mana nak membesar???
Which roughly translates into: Poor thing my little grandson, how is he going to grow up if he is always like this???
Even though all the nurses told me not to sleep with my baby, with my mother's instinct, I still do. Before I knew reflux is quite common and a semi-serious condition, sleeping with him in my arms did help a lot. Usually, when I sleep with him, I will put my arm under his neck and he will sleep on his side rather than on his back. While I breasfeed him all night, this position helps him keep the milk in.
Even though all the nurses told me not to sleep with my baby, with my mother's instinct, I still do. Before I knew reflux is quite common and a semi-serious condition, sleeping with him in my arms did help a lot. Usually, when I sleep with him, I will put my arm under his neck and he will sleep on his side rather than on his back. While I breasfeed him all night, this position helps him keep the milk in.
But, in the morning, as soon as he wakes up and is left on the bed, everything comes out. It's as if nothing else is left behind in his body from the night before. POOR thing!!!
I had to go through all this for the last 9 months with him. How can he grow when there is nothing left in his body? Thank God. Alhamdulillah, the worst is over now. I hope he will catch up soon like other normal kids. I am not surprised if he grows up to be bigger than you though!!!
These are 14 steps to help improve a baby's condition with REFLUX
I had to go through all this for the last 9 months with him. How can he grow when there is nothing left in his body? Thank God. Alhamdulillah, the worst is over now. I hope he will catch up soon like other normal kids. I am not surprised if he grows up to be bigger than you though!!!
These are 14 steps to help improve a baby's condition with REFLUX
Hope it helps someone out there who is going through the same thing I did with my Hisham...
alahai siannye..tp walupn cmtu, nmpak esam aktif ek? silap2 nnti soon dia lg bsar dr usayn kot?..
tulah ciankan.. ko xdgr cter husayn pulak.. nanti ko yg nangis.. heheheh...
hah?!! usayn? apa dia cpt cite kat aku dgn kadar segera!
Tp yg penting esam nmpk aktif cergas, alhamdulillah..
nana, boleh bagi hisham gaviscon for kids. zantac pun boleh. the latter need prescription lah though.
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