Let's take it back a bit. You see, every day instead of walking 6 minutes to the bus stop to drop-off and pick-up Ameera, I choose to pollute the Earth by driving to that particular spot. I admit it, I'm just too lazy to walk. Even though I've been complaining that I'm putting on weight lately, I still refuse to walk to get some much needed exercise.
In the rare event when I do choose to walk, I'll make sure my pocket is full of chocolate and biscuits for the long journey ahead. The reason (or one might say, excuse): it gives me energy!
Anyway, as always while waiting for Ameera, I would just park my car a few meters away from the bus stop. Both my boys would be safe at the back in their own car seats. So I thought. While eating my chocolate and reading anything I could grab in the car, all of a sudden, I heard Hisham scream his head off. I turned around, assuming the worst.
I just couldn't believe my eyes, Husayn was sitting on top of Hisham and squashing my baby boy in his small car seat. Hisham was trying to free himself but really, what more could he do other than scream for help?
I wanted to laugh but at the same time, I was worried that something was going to happen to my poor little baby.
Poor Hisham. Abang Husayn can be such a bully sometimes...
haish si usayn ni, ble wat muka slamba lg tu..ni kes geram tp syg la ni..
Hah tulah... mmg selamba jek... tiap kal aku marah dia lari pastu wat lagi.. bukan geram sayang.. mmg hobi...
mak aiii c botak ni...waakkakaak...well nana anak no.2 mmg mcm tuh...they just need extra attention..believe me!
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