Monday, August 23, 2010

Bowling for the First Time

Back home in Malaysia when I was in college, I used to go bowling with my friends. I'm no expert but I like it. My husband went to the same college as me, but some reason he has never tried it before. Even when we moved to Ireland, there were a few times where I tried to persuade him to go bowling but he still refused.

Well, like the saying goes, there's always a first time for everything. A few weeks before Ramadhan, a friend of ours celebrated their daughter's birthday. To move away from the boring old kiddie parties, they had this party at a nearby Leisureplex with bowling included (among other things) as one of the events for kids and for Daddies too. Yup, only for kids and their Daddies. Mummes had to look after the smaller kids and the others.

How unfair and I was clear about this when I told my friend but it's fine for me as my kids had been begging us for ages to go to this place and go bowling. So, when the opportunity came along, I immediately RSVPed on behalf of my husband. This time he won't have any excuses...

The scores. Not bad huh for first timers with no help from adults?

Overall, my husband didn't do too well wth the bowlng as this was his first time but I can see he enjoyed it so much. As Ameera had been nagging about going bowling, she took this oppurtunity to show-off her Nintendo Wii-obtained skills. For the kids, they were given this special slide for the ball to roll safely and surprisingly, Husayn managed to carry the ball all the way to the slide by himself.

After the mini tournament, we headed to the play centre and straight after that, to my friend's house for dinner. Such a tiring day but the kids enjoyed it so much. Thanks for the invitation Alany And Happy Birthday!!!


sherry said...


Bowling memang my kesukaan....!dapat wakil state pun!

Lady of Leisure said...

i seumur hidup tak penah main bowling, teringin gak hehe.. the only bowling yang i penah main is bowling plastik yang my dad penah beli msa i kekecik dulu hehe

Mummy Nana said...

K.Sherry: Really? Wow..... time sekolah2 dulu ke? Cayaalah K.sherry...hmm... heheh ..I main suka2 jek... tapi dah lama sgt dah xmain.... yg WII nya boleh lah skarang...

Lady:Haha... comel jek...anak2 I pun main bowling plastik jek dulu2.. beli kat tesco murah jek.. nie baru 1st time dpt main... xpe.. nanti I balik mesia kita meet up leh main sama2 ok...

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