Tuesday, September 7, 2010

He's still A Baby!!

I remembered that it was a month ago when I thought Hisham was 15 months but for some reason, I was confused as it was not until the 25th day of the month.

I think I have it right this time around. Here goes: It has been exactly a month since Hisham's first tooth came out. And until today it's still just a TOOTH. Nothing more. No teeth. Just tooth. As I've mentioned in my previous entry it's just a sedapkan hati tooth so Mummy won't be too worried.

However, apart from that, he is growing steadily. He talks so much, copies what ever other people say and is beginning to get cheekier and naughtier by the day. But, he's still a baby and a funny little fellow.

If I'm not mistaken, in Ireland we will be celebrating Eid/Hari Raya this Thursday. Maybe. Mmmmm... I still have plenty to do. My house looks so much like a Tongkang Pecah unlike in Malaysia where I think most people would have started packing or better still, started their balik kampung holidays already. So, drive carefully and a safe journey to you guys out there.


Unaizah said...

Cepatkan budak membesar. Rasa cam baru semalam je gave birth. Nanti jap je dah nak g univ, then keje, then kawin. So, gotta enjoy every second we have with them to the fullest.

AAR said...

salam Nana,

Kat sana dah raye esok? Wahh...nana mesti busy hari ni, kemas umah kan..

Comelnya si Hisyam ni kan..bila ada masa balik sini mesti dia dah besar kan.

Sampaikan salam utk semua ye na...

Kak t ucapkan selamat hari raya, mohon maaf jika ada salah silap ya..

Tcre & wslm

TopsyTurvyMum said...

skang ni mmg rasa cepat je diorg ni membesarkan? nanti kejap je lagi dah masuk kinder..

Eid Mubarak untuk MummyNana sekeluarga di Dublin:)

psstt..masak apa pagi raya? hehe*kepo*

Mummy Nana said...

Unaizah: Betul tu.. alamak nak kawin?? Oh Tidak!!! heheh...

Kak T: Kat sini xjadi raya esok... phew... xkemas rumah.. xmasak apa lagi.. nasib baik ada sehari lagi... Kirim salam aidilfitri buat semua di Bentong... Maaf salah silap ye.. insyaallah.. ada rezki umur panjang kita jumpa

TTM: Tulah.. rasa mcm baru jek peknan... nie dah berlari lari dah

Eid Mubarak 2u2....

Tulah raya Friday.. mmm.. igt xnak masak nak serbu rumah org jek... TTM masak apa ek?? Heheh nak kepo jugak... boleh tiru... kasi idea sikit nak wat dessert yg best2 tapi simple??

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