Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Countdown: The Final Three Days

Time flies by so quickly. It's now only three days to Husayn's graduation day. This means that he will be finishing up at his montessori really soon. He has been learning lots of things and has been having so much fun at the same time.

Now, he just can't wait to go to his "big school" in September and join his big sister. He will definitely miss his friends and teachers so much though.

Husayn and friends play around with a Dragon!

Many thanks to his teachers, Rodica and Arlene for the very best of time. Hope to see you both around soon!

Husayn by Husayn
One of his many art work at the montessori.


Sumaiyyah said...

Awhhh... Husayn's starting primary school soon? I can't believe it's been only half a year since I followed your blog... time really flies! And kids grow up so fast!

Ermayum said...

congratulation HUsayn :)

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