Monday, April 18, 2011


I love tulips. It's one of my favourite flowers and I never fail to plant them in my back garden. In fact, even when I lived in a small apartment which had an even tinier garden, I used to plant them. I really think the tulips are going to be one of the many things that I'll miss whenever I leave this country and go home to Malaysia (one day eventually!). I don't think I'll be able to do so. it possible now?

Very warm and humid weather = Tulips? Well, if people can build a snow-covered mountain slope in the middle of a desert, why can't people grow tulips in Malaysia?

Anyway, the tulips in my back garden have been in bloom for a while now which coincides with the good weather that's beginning to look better by the day. Look at my kids and Mrs Tasya's as they enjoyed themselves (still in their PJ's) picnicking in the back garden.

Here's hoping the weather will stay like this so the kids can continue to enjoy the same things that I enjoyed when I was a kid back home in sunny Malaysia.

PS: Some of my tulips have been vandalised by that small boy in the stripy pajamas.Noooooo...


fynn said...

akak pun suka tulip..tapi setakat neh dok pegang tulip plastik je la.hehehe..
btw mummynana...tulip ada ditanam di msia..di bukit larut taiping, bulan oct dia berbunga...bulan lain tak de katanya..

Unknown said...

i love tulipsss tooo!!!!! cantik i wish kt sini pun ada weather mcm tu so boleh tanam kat garden rmh ni..anyway, bila ddk ngn mak mertua ni...i langsung x peduli pun bunga2 kat luar tu...hahahahah

Unaizah said...

I miss tulips!! Dulu time study, if spring je penuh le tulips sana sini. I pun sibuk la sana sini amik gambar hihi...

zarin said...

oh yess i love tulips tooo tapikan i lg teruk dari rina..i yg dok kat rumah sendiri ni pun tk pernah peduli apa bunga kat luar tu..uishhh malas sgt nak plant anything :D

superheroes' mom said...

Super Lovely tulips Mummy Nana!

Mummy Nana said...

Mak Qis: Ye ke kak ada dah kat mesia.. tulah mcm2 org mesia boleh buat... best tu.. nanti leh pegi...kat sini pun setahun sekali jek berbunga kat belakang rumah nie... time2 nie jek..

Rina: Thn nie I pun xcukup rajin... hehehe...

Unai: Tulah... unfortunately apasal tah I xberkesempatan nak gi park amik gambar ngan tulip2 kat sini before dah xde... :-(

Zarin: Tahun nie thn malas kot... hehehe I pun rasa malas sgt tapi nak lah garden cantik sikit.. hehehe

Superheroes mom: Thanks dear....;-)

naniesc said...

i love dat small boy in stripey pjs. hihihi he's so cool~ hikhik

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