Thursday, February 15, 2018

Clearing the cobwebs!

Cough Cough Cough! OMG it has been so long. Dah bersawang sawang! Apologies for not updating. Lots of things have happend. With 4 kids, by the end of 2012 we finally moved back to Malaysia for good, when my youngest was only 4 months old, settled down and live happily ever after. The end. Or so i thought :)

Our lives have changed ever since. From a full time mum and ex-accountant, I decided to go back to work in a totally different field. I survived for 5 years and today, it’s back to square one as a full time mum. Why? Because 'I love my kids so much' *wink even though my son said "Mummy you always get angry with me all the time". Hahah

Ya, so here I am. Will try to blog as much as possible like before or even more, make new friends, try new things, eat more cake, drink coffee, participate in any events and be happy!

How to get Money quickly

An old blog post that was never published that written somewhere in 2011!

While I was busy in the kitchen, suddenly I heard Husayn running down the stairs and screaming:

Mummy, mummy, you know what? I know how to get money quickly.

Smiling and curiously I asked him, How?

You just go to www get money quickly dot co dot UK

I just smiled and let him do the talking...

Well, I was always so busy with my cooking and baking all the time and when he asked why can't I play with him, I always said I need to cook and sell my food, we need money because I'm not working.

Isn't he so sweet. Trying to help me no matter what way.

Hmmm... I blame the TV. How hard I taught my kids that money doesn't come easily. We have to work hard for it. But a simple advert can manipulate kids minds, just like that.

O yeah now I don't have to do anything and yet we can still be rich. How I wish it was as simple as that my dear :)
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