Sunday, November 20, 2011

I Can Turn

Usually when I visit our local Leisureplex with my kids, I'd normally let the kids play for a few hours while I enjoy some coffee by myself. On this particular occasion, I could hear them from afar, repeating the same thing to each other:

Husayn: Ameera, look, look at me. I can turn!

Ameera: Look at me too. I can turn.

The conversation went on, I was smiling at the fact that the two of them were enjoying playing together but at the same time I was more than a bit surprised (and teruja) and almost had a heart attack when I saw what they were doing. After making sure that they were safe, I managed to take a video of what they were doing. Well, just look at it for yourself... 

Remember: Do not do this at home kids!


fabscarf said...

Husayn terror la!

Mummy Nana said...

Hah tulah aku pun seram tgk...

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