Monday, August 8, 2011

My Foster Family from NZ

It's been such a long time since we've been in touch with each other but when June came along, out of the blue, I received an email from my long lost foster family.  They mentioned that they were coming over to Europe on holidays and would love to stop over in Dublin to pay me a visit.

I used to be active with the Girl Guides when I was in secondary school. I never failed to attend any camping activities or pretty much anything remotely related to it. So, when the opportunity aroise to join an International Jamboree all the way in New Zealand, I was so excited and was so happy to be part of it. That's when I met this nice couple who took me in for a whole week while I was there.

Two years later, they even came to Malaysia and visited my family. Now, after 18 years, we meet again in another part of the world. Unfortunately, the last two days of their visit coincided days with the start of Ramadhan. Being such cool people they even said that they'd join in the fast. Of course, they didn't do the full day but they definitely surprised my husband and I by waking up early in the morning (at 3 am) to have sahur with us and refused to have a big meal during the day.

I managed to bring them to a few places around the city but for the rest of their stay, they just stayed at home being a very nice grandma and grand dad to my kids. The walked with the kids in the park, read the kids story books and played all sorts of games with them. They were just so happy and got along really well with each other.

I know you're probably not reading this Ann and Peter, but I do hope you really enjoyed your stay over here and really hope we can meet again maybe at your place where The Last Samurai was filmed? Yup, I was on that farm where the Tom Cruise film was made.

Hehehe... So my dear hubby now do you believe my story...?


Ermayum said...

sweet nana bangsa asing amek kita jd anak angkat n still keep in touch till now

lucky nya u masa kekecik dah g neg omputih dapat family laggi:

naper hubby u tak caya u ada familiy ke u g tempat samurai ?:)

TopsyTurvyMum said...

Salam Mummy Nana:)
Lama tak mengendap sini. Salam Ramadhan, selamat berpuasa.
Aktif rupanya dia..

Mummy Nana said...

Ermayum: Rezki kan dpt gi jalan2 masa kecik2 Alhamdulillah...

Eh tak... dulu2 I selalu citer kat hubby I ada family angkat frm NZ pastu farm dia(kat NZ yg I perna duduk tu) Warner Brothers guna buat citer Last samurai yg Tom Cruise berlakon tu... tapi my husband xcaya yela kecik2 xde camera so gi jalan xamik gambar...xde proof... nie diorg dah dtg and citer sendiri so kira I bukan create storylah... hehehe

Salam TTM... Selamat berpuasa 2u2... Thank u dtg sekodeng rumah I.. hehehe... Hah I mmg aktip zaman2 sekolah dulu..... konon cita2 nak jadi Pandu Putri DiRaja tapi xkesampaian... :((

Unknown said...

oo harith tak caya eh ...hahaah dia tu mmg :D anyway mesti syok kan jumpa...dpt jumpa balik dia dh ada 'cucu'...

naniesc said...

cite2 masuk Pandu puteri dpt g ober sea mcm kakaknye. tp Cikgu loh beng choo tak aci.. suke budak RK jek. budak athelete di anak tiri kan. cesssss... jgn kt NZ. camping kt mesia pon tak lps. isk isk isk...

p/s: ye kakna dulu aktif. gmba kakna n kengkawan gamboree NZ still terpampang kt dinding SIGS.

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