Friday, May 20, 2011

I want to eat by myself!

Continuing on with what I am now calling "Hisham Week", here's more about my little boy.

He's nearly two and he still doesn't eat as much as other kids his age. He just relies on my breast milk as his main source of nutrition. If I'm lucky, he sometimes finishes a little pot of petite filous or maybe even a piece of cookie. Barely.

So, it's no surprise that whenever he asks for food I'll be so happy that he even bothered to ask in the first place, I'll let him eat his desired food, his way. Take this for example...

How much do you think actually got into his mouth???


Sumaiyyah said...

Hisham is so adorable! I hate gushing but I don't suppose anyone can help gushing bila tengok Hisham, haha. Rasanya dr yg dia suap tu, ade la kot masuk dua tigi bijik benda yg dia makan tu (what is it anyway? nasi?)

Mummy Nana said...

Awww...thanks. Hehehe...

Yes, nasi but not just any ordinary nasi! It's my Nasi Hujan Panas. The kids love it because it's colourful. Don't know whether all the colouring is good for them but, if it helps Hisham eat something even if it is just a few "butir" of rice, the advantage outweighs the negatives, I guess.

Unknown said...

br sudah nangis eh?...aku rasa ok lah tu nana at least dia mkn dr xnk langsung kan

Mummy Nana said...

Rna: Hisham ni kalau suruh makan mmg memanjang nangis.. tulah at least da mkn.. tapi kalau sehari 1 sudu nasi jek... risau jugak...:-(

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